Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Have You Seen Fireflies?

We are learning a new song: Firefly.
When asked if the choir members have seen fireflies, many indicated otherwise.
It is not easy to find well-taken videos on real fireflies in the wild.
Here is a cartoon version of Fireflies!

Choir Workshop on 6 Dec 2011 (2)

Part 2:
Dr Zechariah Goh, a well-known musician in Singapore, conducted a vocal clinic session with the Choir. After listening to the Choir singing 3 songs, he gave the children comments on their singing and personally coached them on how to improve in their singing. The Choir had an enriching and fun-filled session today!

Choir Workshop on 6 Dec 2011 (1)

Part 1: Today Ms Lee taught the Choir a very interesting Latin song: Dona Nobis Pacem, which means Grant Us Peace. They started singing the song in the AVA Room then they moved out of the room while continuing to sing the song as they roamed around Level 2 of the school compound. The school was filled with the children's beautiful singing!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Letter to Parents on Important Choir Matters

Dear Parents / Guardians,

A letter was sent home on 5 Dec 2011. Please acknowledge reading the letter by signing at the end of the letter (hardcopy).Thank you.

Below is a copy of the letter.

Important Information

CCA: Choir Matters in 2012

5 Dec 2011

Dear Parents / Guardians

Thank you for your support for Endeavour Choir in 2011.

We are proud to take part in Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) 2012 Central Judging for Choirs. The SYF will be held in April 2012. We are working very hard and our target is a Gold award.

Please take note that there will be a selection process whereby confident and hardworking choir members with regular attendance will be selected to represent the school choir in SYF next year.

The choir instructor, Ms Angela Lee will be listening to small groups of children singing their parts during random sessions of choir practices in 2012. Each pupil will be given more than 2 chances to sing to Ms Lee before the final selection.

There will be at least 2 sessions of choir practices per week in 2012.



Session 1

Every Tuesday

1.45 pm – 3.45 pm

Session 2

Every Saturday

10.30 am – 12.30 pm

Both the Tuesday and Saturday practices are very important. Please make necessary arrangement for your child / ward to attend all practices.

We may need to call for additional practices and you will be notified via consent form. Thank you for your kind understanding.

As we are busy preparing for SYF in the first 4 months in 2012, please help to ensure that your child is coping well with his / her studies and health. Thank you very much.

We look forward to your continual support in 2012.

Warmest regards

Mrs Tong (98530368)

Mrs Choh

Ms Chew