Thursday, February 13, 2014

LKY Sing-a-Kids 3

Hi Kai Zhe, Rachel Yeo and Tien Wen,

Here is the link to the English songs. Only the first few songs are here.
Do learn the 3 selected ones during your free time.

Have fun!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

LKY Sing-a-Kids Project 2

Rachel, Tien Wen and Kai Zhe went into the recording studio to try out at the singing audition.
They had fun and they sang well.
We are still waiting for the audition results.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

LKY Sing-a-Kid Project

Dear Tien Wen, Rachel Yeo and Kai Zhe,
Please go to the link below to learn the song(s); choose 1 of the songs there.

1) Audition is this Thursday
2) Return the consent form reply slip to Mrs Tong on Wednesday. (Choir Box)

All the best!