Monday, April 14, 2014

Choir Practice Dates Reminder and Upcoming Events

Dear Choir Singing Angels!

There is no choir practices for the following weeks:
1) 15 April 
2) 22 April
3) 29 April   (Oral exams week)
4)    6 May   (SA1 Paper 1)
5)  13 May   (Vesak Day and SA1 Week)

Choir Practices will resume after SA1:
20 May (Celebration cum P6 Farewell)

Upcoming Event:
27 May: Arts @ KKH performance

Possible additional choir practices after SA1 to prepare for Arts @ KKH:
(consent form will be given later)
1) 21 May (Wednesday): 2.15 - 3.45 pm
2) 26 May (Monday): 1.45 - 3.15 pm (amendments)

Songs for Arts @ KKH:
Please revise and prepare the following songs:
1) My Shadow
2) Can You Hear Me
3) San Lun Che (Trishaw)
4) Sing a Song of Sixpence
5) Ping Ping Piang Piang Chua Sin Niu
6) Land of Joy

Study hard and see you after SA1!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

We are a DISTINCTION Choir!!!

Congratulations everyone!!! 
We did it!!!
We have achieved the certification of DISTINCTION!!!
"Congrats! This is an affirmation for the Choir. Distinction level definitely! Great job!"
Mrs Pek (Principal of EDP)

"Congrats! I am very happy for EDP Choir. Cheers!"
Mr Chia (Former Principal of EDP)

"I'm pleased to know that the choir teachers have made a very significant impact in creating a meaningful experience for the Choir pupils."
Mr Bhim (Vice-principal of EDP)

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Choir SYF 8 April 2014

Endeavour Choir attended the Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Arts Presentation (AP) @ SOTA today.
Our Singing Angels sang 3 beautiful songs excellently!

Thank you Mr Chia, Mrs Pek and many choir parents who attended the AP to support the EDP Choir.
Special thanks to Choir Parent Volunteers and non-Choir parents from EDP PSG for the wonderful help.

See more photos at this link: Choir SYF 2014 @ SOTA

"The EDP Choir has grown. The teachers, the pupils, the instructor have all worked hard, and I was moved to tears to witness such a mature and impressive performance. It was a delight to see everyone."
Mr Chia (former EDP Principal)

"It was very heartening to see how far our Choir has reached! An excellent performance!"
Mrs Pek (EDP Principal)

"This was EDP Choir's BEST so far! We have grown exponentially!"
 Ms Angela Lee (EDP Choir Conductor)

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Pre-SYF Choir Mini Concert for Choir Parents 5 April 2014

Thank you all parents for coming for the Choir Mini Concert to support the Choir SYF performance!
Thank you Mrs Pek for attending the concert and Mr Bhim for sitting in during the rehearsal.